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chim chim cha boo 5:20 Fri Feb 16
Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s weren't paedos?
I'll start you off, Alvin Stardust and Noel Edmunds.

Paul Gambacini seems to have got away with it as I was a dispatch rider who regularly went to his house to deliver stuff in the early 90s and a young companion of his (a slightly grubby kid) most of the time answered the door. Of course it was never the same grubby kid.

Same with both stars of Little Britain but I don't want to say too much about that.

As someone who would gladly snort coke of of a hooker's tits I realise that I am throwing stones in a greenhouse but I am genuinely interested in who YOU thought was a wrong 'un back then and were maybe wrong about?

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chim chim cha boo 2:20 Sat Feb 17
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
I've got mixed memories of Mr Noseybonk.

On the one hand he was as creepy as fuck but on the other Lesley Ball gave me my first blowjob while we were watching Jigsaw.

Janet Ellis used to narrate Jigsaw and I can't hear her voice without getting the horn all these years later.

I took her daughter (Sophie Ellis Bextor) on my Virgin Limobike years later and after picking her up about 5 times said 'Soph, now we're pals I need to bring something up with you...'

Later she told me that she'd told her mum and they'd fell about the kitchen laughing!

zico 12:40 Sat Feb 17
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
violator 12:02 Fri Feb 16

Bloody hell forgot about Mr Noseybonk. Hartley Hare looked like a rabbit that had gone through that machine in The Fly and turned into an inside out mess, terrifying.

Yewtree would be looking into Mr Benn and that strange shopkeeper for sure. I know, let's make a children's programme about a businessman in a bowler hat who goes and dresses up at lunchtime every day. Looking back now, weird! As for that Magic Roundabout bunch, they must have taken more drugs than a weekend crown at Glastonbury.

Briano 10:16 Sat Feb 17
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Yeah that midget froze the pond and that big fish got stuck the horrible fucker

Aalborg Hammer 8:42 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
zebthecat Singing Ringing tree put the fear of God up me - it was in black and white and the little evil midget gave me nightmares

Mike Oxsaw 6:21 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
joyo 5:29 Fri Feb 16

Yew tell me. Although if you're continuing to insist that Belvedere is anywhere near the Cambodian border, I suspect people may start to question your cognitive abilities.

Nice to know though that I'm still living rent free in your head, as vacuous as it is voluminous and, like your abandoned Upminster lock-up squat, could do with a good Spring clean.

Thankfully no rats or tramps in evidence in here, so I guess they only exist in your real, benefit-dependent world.

Are you still paying compensation to that disabled under-age little Cambodian girl you proudly claimed to have violated in your desperation to be accepted on the Night Crew thread?

Cambodia seems to loom large in all your posts, for some reason. Anything you'd like to share? The Anxiety thread is open to all, you know.

Too many words for you? Treat it as a free English lesson.


martyboy 6:15 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Hey Joyo, wasn't it you that "Boasted" about molesting a young deaf child in Cambodia?? As soon as Paedo came up, i thought of you!!

joyo 5:29 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Oxbore 4.07...isn't because of yewtree and your friendship with Paul Glad that you bought the mud hut in the poverty stricken village near the Cambodian border and bolted there?

Cheezey Bell-End 5:07 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
I know the Anglers too. I went to school a shortish walk from there.
Speaking of celebrity homos, I once saw Kenneth Williams filming outside Thames studios with a load of young kids. They were chasing him up the street while he exclaimed "I'm a cult". Another actor dressed as a policeman said "are you now sir".

Jim79 5:04 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
violator, Noseybonk was fucking terrifying. That cunt gave me nightmares for years and years. Still sends a shiver down my spine now if I see a picture of him. I showed my kids what he looked like a few months ago and they were horrified and couldnt understand how kids could be given that as entertainment back in the 80's. A truly monstrous character to look at.

Mike Oxsaw 4:07 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
To Yewtree , Dimitri,
To Yewtree , Dimitri,

*taps nose.....pauses.....taps OWN nose.*

LeroysBoots 3:54 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Was Operation Yewtree why Noel Edmonds scarpered off to New Zealand !?!

Bungo 3:41 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Leonard Hatred 3:35 Fri Feb 16

It was in the 90s when I used to be a regular there.

I went there last year and hardly recognised it. They have built loads of booths and stuff outside now. I think there was a proper restaurant too?

Used to go in the Tide End Cottage next door sometimes which was (one of) Rick Parfitt's locals back then.

Leonard Hatred 3:35 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?

I used to deliver and install the beer gas to that pub circa 2000-2002.

Bungo 2:35 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Leonard Hatred 5:40 Fri Feb 16

I used to spend lots of time at The Anglers in Teddington where a lot of the people that worked next door at Thames TV used to drink after work.

Many who knew him maintained that BH was never a nonce, but was a huge shag monster. Essentially to pass the audition to become a Hill's Angel was to allow BH to shag you.

Word was that was everything that was going on.🤷‍♂️

zebthecat 12:37 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Gary Strodders shank 12:12 Fri Feb 16

Zippy and George were both voiced by the same person.
Hartley Hare was terrifying but the Singing Ringing Tree is burnt into my mind. It must have been truly grim in East Germany if that was their idea of escapism.

Council Scum 12:34 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
"Paul Gambacini seems to have got away with it as I was a dispatch rider who regularly went to his house to deliver stuff in the early 90s and a young companion of his (a slightly grubby kid) most of the time answered the door. Of course it was never the same grubby kid.

Same with both stars of Little Britain but I don't want to say too much about that."

Was told by a journo years ago (20 odd) about Paul Gambicini and a story he blocked from the press.

I also know the fat one from Little Britain kept a story about a young lad who he tried to groom after the lad knocked his door collecting for a charity, he's a vile human. Gays all get a free pass though, hence why Boy George is still loved by the media despite kidnapping and torturing a male hooker, image if it had been a straight man with a women...

Northern Sold 12:34 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Jack Hargreaves (out of Town)... very suspicious at the way he sucked his pipe... oh and his Lab always looked hot an bothered so chuck in a bit of beastiality as well.... tweed wearing sick fuck...

Gary Strodders shank 12:12 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
George and Zippy were both at it I reckon orgies round at Rod Jane and Freddie's house
"We know a song about that"

Leonard Hatred 12:12 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?

Leonard Hatred 12:09 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
Alan Rothwell.

He was the host of PICTURE BOX with the scary distorted circus music and glass box revolving on a velvet cushion.

Had a sinister stare into the camera before saying "hello..." at the start of each episode.

violator 12:02 Fri Feb 16
Re: Is anyone surprised that some celebrities from the 70s and 80s WEREN'T paedos?
zico 11:52 Fri Feb 16

Bungle had nothing on Hartley Hare or Mr Noseybonk...how the fuck did we make it through childhood?

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